
has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Resy

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Brainshark

has raised their tenth fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Insight Venture Partners

has raised their first fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Left Lane Capital

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to SMA Technologies

has raised a financing round from

The undersigned served as financial advisor to DataCore

has raised their second fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Great Range Capital

has raised their first fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Health Velocity Capital

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Meetup

has raised their fourth fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Dawn Capital

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Agoda

has raised its second fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Altus

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to AMG Data

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Aquin

has completed a debt transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to ARGUS Software

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Advanced Systems Concepts

has raised its second fund

The undersigned served as financial advisor to The Beekman Group

has raised its third fund

The undersigned served as financial advisor to The Beekman Group

has raised their second fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Black Toro Capital

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to CapitalStream

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to CheckPoint HR

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Circle Software

has completed an equity private placement transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Compliance Science

has raised growth capital from

The undersigned served as financial advisor to CrossBorder Solutions

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to CrossBorder Solutions

has raised growth capital from

The undersigned served as financial advisor to CrossBorder Solutions

has completed a debt transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Cryrek

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to CUnet

has raised their third fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Dawn Capital

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Dolphin Software

has completed a debt transaction

The undersigned served as financial advisor to ECI

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to edge IPK

has completed an equity private placement transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to eEye Digital

has raised their first fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Element Ventures

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to EPFR Global

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to ERisk

has completed a majority recaplitalization with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to eVestment

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to exinda

has raised their third fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Five Elms Capital

has raised their third fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to FTV Capital

has raised their first fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Full In Partners

has completed an equity private placement transaction with a consortium of investors.

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Future Finance

has completed a debt transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to GenArts

has raised their third fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Georgian Partners

has completed a debt transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to GFI

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to GFI Software

has raised their second fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to GrandBanks

has completed a debt transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to IKANO

has raised their sixth fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Insight Venture Partners

has raised their seventh fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Insight Venture Partners

has raised their eighth fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Insight Venture Partners

has raised their ninth fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Insight Venture Partners

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Iris Financial Solutions

has completed a debt transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to

has completed an equity private placement transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to The Ladders

has raised its second fund

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Left Lane Capital

has raised their first fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Lorient Capital

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to MediaSentry

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Middle Office Solutions

has completed an equity private placement transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to MRU

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to NetKey

has completed an equity private placement transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Nexxar

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Objectiva

has raised their first fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Openview Venture Partners

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Optiant

has completed an equity private placement transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Optimost

has completed an equity private placement transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Panther Express

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Pcubed

has completed an equity private placement transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Pendo Systems

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to ProfitLine

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to PulsePoint on its diverstiture of PulseConnect and UnsubCentral

has completed a debt transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Punch Software

has raised growth capital from

The undersigned served as financial advisor to PURE Property Management

has completed an equity private placement transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Q4

has completed a management buyout with financing provided by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to
Realm Business Solutions

has raised their second fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Rembrandt

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Restricted Stock Systems

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Revelytix

has raised their fourth fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to RRE

has raised their fifth fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Seaport Capital

has completed an equity private placement transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Semtek

has completed an equity private placement transaction with

The undersigned served as financial advisor to ShopWiki

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Sonian

has completed a debt transaction

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Syncsort

has raised their fourth fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Updata Partners

has raised their sixth fund

The undersigned served as placement agent to Updata Partners

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to ValuBond

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to VisualDNA

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Weiland

has received a strategyc investment from

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Xceligent

has been acquired by

The undersigned served as financial advisor to Zephyr